Cooking is always a busy rush for most of us, you can Share and Encourage Learning Moments:
Doing the washing is an everyday task where you can Share and Encourage Learning:
Shopping can be a time to Share and Encourage Learning. It is a great way to help children get involved and can help them to be less restless. Shopping can be fun. Children enjoy watching and learning and participating.
Out & About
Out and About are great opportunities to get your child learning while you doing your everday activites like when you are at the doctors, weekend football, or you are out as a family in the park. Share and Encourage learning moments:
In the Loungeroom
The lounge room is usually the place you want to stop and put your feet up to relax. Here are a few ideas for how to Share and Encourge learning - even while you are relaxing:
In the Backyard
While in the backyard. Or while doing the gardening. Or perhaps hanging out the washing – You can Share and Encourage learning by:
Bath time
Bath time is a great opportunity to Share and Encourage learning. Here’s some ideas: