Lead my learning is about finding fun, imaginative and easy ways to encourage and share learning with young children. The people who are around young children the most – parents and caregivers – are in a great place to encourage and share learning with children each day.

Parents and caregivers spend a lot of time with young children, who are with them during many ordinary daily activities.  Encouraging and sharing learning can be included in our daily lives with young children –  without taking extra time! 

The Lead my learning campaign is designed to appeal to parents and caregivers with young children.  The aim is to offer ideas for how to integrate encouraging and sharing learning into daily life and clever ways for parents and caregivers respond to a young child’s request to ‘lead my learning’.


We began working on the lead my learning campaign in 2014. Since then we’ve talked with community members and services in several sites in regional and remote NSW to develop ideas for the campaign. We’ve talked with parents, caregivers, early childhood professionals, and service providers.

As the campaign design has developed, we’ve collaborated with communities and services and through these relationships we’ve been able to receive ongoing feedback to improve the design of campaign materials, as well as the types of materials used in the campaign.

This design and consultation process has taken 18 months.

Everyday activities are opportunities to SHARE and ENCOURAGE learning


Lead my Learning is all about turning everyday activities into opportunities to lead a child's learning.  Children love to learn and they'll love the moments when you lead their learning.


Sharing is all about emphasizing how families can connect their everyday activities with children to create learning moments.


Encouraging is all about looking for and recognising opportunitites to congratulation children when they are engage in learning.


Chief Investigator

Image Nyssa Murray

Project Manager and Researcher

Parent Consultant and Researcher

Image Allison Cameron

Allison Cameron

Research Assistant - Early Childhood Consultant

Bella Hunter

Research Assistant - Marketing

Kelly Andrews

Social Marketing Consultant

Dr Samantha McMahon

Research Ethics Advisor

Amir Rezaaee

Research Assistant - Quant Analysis

Benjamin Lee-Bates

Research Assistant - Quant Analysis

Kelly Lewer

Research Assistant - Participant Liaison

Tara-Lee Farrell

Research Assistant - Participant Liaison

Elizabeth Bolt

Research Assistant - Participant Liaison

Suzanne Parsons

Research Assistant - Participant Liaison

Lydia Pietruszewski

Research Assistant - Participant Liaison